Parents can access academic data regarding their kids on the W3TECHPANEL website. The academic success of their children is visible to the parents. It is a great way to follow the progress of kids via a web portal. The most important data on a child’s presence, projects, grades, advancement, classwork, schedules, registration, and much more can be viewed by parents.
For parents to acquire the most latest academic information on their children, this portal is continuously updated with the most recent information.
You just need one W3TECHPANEL account to view the records of the students you have registered in the ISD. The fact that it is a one-stop shop eliminates the need to manage numerous accounts.
How to register for a W3TECHPANEL account
To open an account with technology, you must be listed with the school as the student’s guardian. The parent of each student can have a distinct W3TECHPANEL account.
The software cannot provide you a link to create an account passcode if you haven’t provided an email address.
Contact the school registrar if you need to be registered as a parent, modify or replace your email address, or alter the language of communication before setting up a W3TECHPANEL account.
A W3TECHPANEL account can be opened by:
• When you click the technology logo, the district website’s Login Page will appear.
Click the link to register if you haven’t already made a username and password.
• Click the Register button after entering your First Name, Last Name, City, and Zip Code. The data you enter here must match the information you supplied about your student’s parents on the registration form.
• If another student or contact exactly matches the data you submitted, you will be required to enter your email address.
• Enter the email address and then click the Register button.
If the system finds a match, the Home Access Center User Registration screen opens.
• Provide a username.
• Compile two challenge questions and responses that you can use in the event that you lose your login information.
• From the menu, choose Finish.
If the username is not already in use, the system will immediately send an email to the address that the district maintains on record for you with an URL to create a password.
After Registration
After completing this step, a confirmation screen indicating your temporary password will be sent by email to the email address you have on record with the school appears.
• If you don’t receive this email, check with the registration office to make sure the email address provided on your student’s contacts page is accurate.
• Click the link in the email.
• Select the Continue option after providing the proper response to your challenge question.
•Enter and double-check your password.
• The case of the passwords must match. From the menu, choose “Continue”.
• The Home Access Center will automatically log you in so you may view your student’s schedule, attendance history, and course assignments.
• The W3TECHPANEL user handbook can be accessed via a link in the menu.
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